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As far as I remember I have always loved making and dressing dolls.  I remember making dresses as young as when I was 4 or 5 years old and learnt how to crochet and knit by the time I was eight.
My passion in life is porcelain dollmaking and one of the reasons I started my web site was because I could not buy the products I wanted in the UK.  After complaining about it for years my husband David suggested why don't you start your own shop.  
Well that was like taking a kid to a toy shop and say buy what ever you want, I was in heaven.  Its taken me over 18 months to get the products together and the site up and running.
Must say I have enjoyed looking for all the products and must have spent many nights well past 4 am looking for goods so that I could sell.
I still have many more sleepless nights to put more items on the site and then keep looking for goodies that are difficult to come by here in England.